DBSuper 64: Unholy Fusion

In an intense speech, Black realizes he CAN learn something from the Saiyans. Their emotions, particularly their anger fuels their power. Letting go of his cold superiority, he allows the emotion to fill him. All his disdain and hatred for mortals grows into a demented fury, which he channels into his ki-blade, transforming it into a massice scythe. This new weapon, formed by the anger of a god, tears through the fabric of reality, unleashing streams of dark energy. At this point Zamasu does not even know or understand the extent of his power. In his pursuit of justice, he has been consumed by hatred, obsessed with divinity, and mad with power. It has been decades since these characters have faced a foe this powerful, and I friggin love it!

While Vegeta is battling Black, his wife and son are dealing with Zamasu. Switching to a human scene adds more comedy into the mix, but this humor is still focused on the task at hand. Trunks may be trying out foolish poses like the Ginyu Force and Great Saiyaman, but really he’s trying to learn the Evil Containment Wave. Bulma prepared for this, and shows him an instructional video created by Piccolo. It does make any sense that he could learn it from watching a video, but the point is he learned it, so now they can carry out their plan to defeat Black and Zamasu.

While Trunks practices the technique, Bulma tries to buy some time with the Evil Kai. She flirts with him in traditional Dragonball fashion, putting on the girlish charm from her younger days. Unfortunately, a mortal female protrating herself only disgusts and angers the green god. When Trunks appears, Zamasu is holding Bulma by the throat, triggering a flashback to Future Bulma’s death in Black’s hands. Enraged, Trunks fully powers up and uses the Evil Containment Wave. Watching Zamasu being forced into the clay jar was intense, of course the writers couldn’t allow him to be defeated so easily, so it wasn’t until he was trapped in the container that the gang realized Goku had forgotten to bring the seal to lock him inside.

While Zamasu deals with the puny humans, Goku and Vegeta team up against an army of Black clones. These weak lookalikes are manifested by the great purple rip Black’s scythe tore in the sky. This action reminded me of Return of Cooler, but while Goku and Vegeta fought side-by-side, Black was just buying time for Zamasu to finish off their friends. When he feels his own partner’s energy disappear, he flies to Zamasu’s aid.

Without the seal, Zamasu breaks free of his prison, weakened, but wiser. Joined by Black, he explains that they should stop underestimating the mortals, and finish them off once and for all. This is the moment everyone has been anticipating. Before we knew who Black and Zamasu were, we’d seen their faces on the opening title screen, and duly noted the potara earrings they wore. We also noted that they both wore one ring on their left ear, preventing their primary function. Goku and Vegeta ditch the clones and arrive on the scene just as Zamasu switches his potara earring to his right ear, and the two Gods of Evil fuse into one immaculate being.

I really have to hand it to the writers of this episode. Given the fast pace of Dragonball Super relative to the earlier DB series, I thought we’d see this fusion mid-episode. However, in classic DBZ style, the action was drawn out, saving the best for last, and leaving us wanting more. NEXT TIME on DRAGONBALL SUPER: With Black and Zamasu fused, the evil god is now the perfect immortal warrior. Can Goku and Vegeta defeat him? Will Trunk’s future be saved? Or will this diabolic deity destroy all humans once and for all? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL SUPER!

I am 80% certain that Goku and Vegeta will have to fuse to fight the Zamasu Fusion. That other 20% says that either Goku or Vegeta will have a new transformation to kick it up a notch. If they do fuse, which seems likely, I’m 100% sure that it’ll be Vegito not Gogeta because both Supreme Kai have potara earrings they could use, so the dance seems superfluous. Also I’ll say there’s a 70% chance that they’ll still have to use the Evil Containment Wave to imprison the immortal, which is going to be friggin EPIC!

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