DBSuper 49: Puzzle Pieces

Some of the best episodes of an action show take break from throwing fists and energy attacks, to reveal new clues to a great mystery and piece things together. I expected this episode to be an explanation of Black, to provide a background to the villain through Future Trunks. However, here we don’t get the…

DBSuper 48: Beautiful Tease

In the burning ruins of the future, a woman dies in her lover’s arms while her killer lords over them, ready to send his next victim to hell. This highly anticipated episode opens with a fight I thought was over, but thankfully Black and Trunks extend the action in a thrilling display of rage and…

DB Super #47: Dark Foe, Bright Future

I have never been this excited for an episode of Dragon Ball Super! Last week’s sneak preview of Future Trunks got me AMPED! One of DBZ coolest characters returns with an all new threat from the future! I don’t read Toriyama’s manga because I prefer the anime, so even though there are fans out there…

Villainous Vignette: Predator aka “Dredneck”

For all their badass stalking and killing, Predators aren’t the elite warriors you think they are. Oh, they’ll hunt you down, brutally murder your friends one by one, and skin you before you can see their telltale shimmer, but that sadism isn’t alien to us. Nope, the human race also has its own gun-toting weekend…

DBSuper: Potafue Finale

Dragon Ball Super is starting to get the Z attitude back: lives on the line, an earth-shattering fight, and heroes rushing into action. On the Super scale, this was a totally killer episode, but some faults of the new series couldn’t be avoided. Fortunately that didn’t stop the super-saiyans from getting pissed off and dishing…

X-Men Apocalypse: Review (SPOILERS)

The first 5 minutes of X-Men: Apocalypse had me hooked: detailed mythologically inspired  costumes, ancient Egyptian engineering, and brutal Mortal-Kombat-style deaths; but after two and a half hours, I left the theater with a headache that only alcohol, drugs, or a bullet could cure. While the special effects and costumes were top notch, a triad of…